Basic words in french with pronunciation for body parts

All body /

1. Orgues = Organs .

2. Corps = Body .

3. Tête = Head .

4. Front = Forehead .

5. Cheveux = Hair .

6. Crâne = Skull .

7. Oreille = Ear .

8. Œil = Eye .

9. Sourcil = Eyebrow .

10. Paupière = Eyelid .

11. Boules oculaires = Eye balls .

12. Cerveau = Brain .

13. Affronter = Face .

14. Nez = Nose .

15. Langue = Tongue .

16. Luette = Uvula .

17. Artère = Artery .

18. Lèvre = Lip .

19. Joue = Cheek .

20. Gorge = Throat .

21. Bouche = Mouth .

22. Gomme = Gum .

23. Salive = Saliva .

24. Salive = Spittle .

25. Dents = Teeth .

26. Barbe = Beard .

27. Épaule = Shoulder .

28. Chair = Flesh .

29. Poitrine = Chest .

30. Côtes = Ribs .

31. Moustache = Mustache .

32. Poignet = Wrist .

33. Squelette = Skeleton .

34. Sens = Senses .

35. Pénis = Penis .

36. Brest = Brest .

37. Mamelon = Nipple .

38. Nombril = Navel .

39. Abdomen = Abdomen .

40. Main = Hand .

41. Dos = Back .

42. Colonne vertébrale = Backbone .

43. Palais = Palate .

44. Aine = Groin .

45. Urine = Urine .

46. Nerf = Nerve .

47. Transpirer = Sweat .

48. Coude = Elbow .

49. Taille = Waist .

50. Talon = Heel .

51. Peau = Skin .

52. Doigt = Finger .

53. Clou = Nail .

54. Hanche = Hip .

55. Armpit = Hanche .

56. Cou = Neck .

57. Cuisse = Thigh .

58. Orteil = Toe .

59. Genou = Knee .

60. Pied = Foot .

61. Menton = Chin .

62. Jambe = Leg .

63. Ventre = Belly .

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Basic words in french with pronunciation

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