Common words in french and english for relative

Relative /

1. Père = Father .

2. Mère = Mother .

3. Fils = Son .

4. Fille = Daughter .

5. Frère = Brother .

6. Sœur = Sister .

7. Belle-mère = Step mother .

8. Beau-frère = Step brother .

9. Belle soeur = Step sister .

10. Beau-fils = Step son .

11. Belle-fille = Step daughter .

12. Tante = Aunty .

13. Oncle = Uncle .

14. Cousine = Cousin .

15. Beau-frère = Brother-in-law .

16. Belle-sœur = Sister in law .

17. Personnes = People .

18. Personne = Person .

19. Vie = Life .

20. Jeune = Young .

21. Enfant = Child .

22. Garçon = Boy .

23. Fille = Girl .

24. Homme = Man .

25. Femme = Woman .

26. Mineure = Minor .

27. Adulte = Adult .

28. Famille = Family .

29. Relative = Relative .

30. Double = Twin .

31. Orpheline = Orphan .

32. Grand-père = Grandfather .

33. Grand-mère = Grandmother .

34. Petit fils = Grandson .

35. Petite fille = Granddaughter .

36. Neveu = Nephew .

37. Nièce = Niece .

38. Gendre = Son-In-law .

39. Beau-père = Father-in-law .

40. Belle-mère = Mother-in-law .

41. Belle-fille = Daughter-in-law .

42. Mariage = Marriage .

43. Célibataire = Single/unmarried .

44. Mariée = Married .

45. Mariage = Wedding .

46. Nuit de noces = Wedding night .

47. Dot = Dowry .

48. Fiancée = Fiancee .

49. Mariée = Bride .

50. Jeune marié = Bridegroom .

51. Mari = Husband .

52. Épouse = Wife .

53. Divorce = Divorce .

54. veuve = widow .

55. Enceinte = Pregnant .

56. Société = Society .

57. Communauté = Community .

58. Culture = Communauté .

59. Civilisation = Civilization .

60. Tradition = Tradition .

Basic words in french with pronunciation

Simple phrases in french

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Common words in french and english

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