French words english language

1. Fleur = Flower .

2. Nénuphar = Water lily .

3. Lotus = Lotus .

4. Rose = Rose .

5. Burfleur = Burflower .

6. Hibiscus = Hibiscus .

7. Gardénia = Gardenia .

8. Merrigold = Merrigold .

9. Pervenche = Periwinkle .

10. Tournesol = Sun flower .

11. Cerise espagnole = Spanish Cherry .

12. Poinciana royale = Royal poinciana .

13. Champak = Champak .

14. Peigne à coqs = Cocks comb .

15. Boîte de Chine = China box .

16. Rose tube = Tube rose .

17. Allamanda = Allamanda .

18. Pied de fou = Fool foot .

19. Églantier = Dog rose .

20. Merveille du Pérou = Marvel of Peru .

21. Échites = Echites .

22. Jasmin de nuit = Night Jasmine .

23. Bougainvillier = Bougainvillea .

24. Dahlia = Dahlia .

25. Myrte crêpe géant = Giant crape myrtle .

26. Hiptage banghalensis = Hiptage banghalensis .

27. Jasmin = Jasmine .

28. Magnolia = Magnolia .

29. Teck bâtard = Bastard teak .

30. Jasmin de Catalogne = Catalonia Jasmine .

31. Tulipe = Tulip .

32. Béla = Bela .

33. Malte = Malti .

34. Laurier-rose = Oleandar .

35. Fleur de couronne = Crown flower .

36. Gloire du matin = Morning glory .

37. Cosmos = Cosmos .

38. Chaton = Catkin .

39. Chrysanthème = Chrysanthemum .

40. Bouton d'or = Buttercup .

41. Lys au gingembre blanc = White ginger Lily .

42. Datura métal = Datura metel .

43. Lys du Nil = Lily of the Nile .

44. Vigne d'ail = Garlic vine .

45. Chèvrefeuille = Honeysuckle .

46. Géranium de la jungle = Jungle garanium .

47. Harsinger = Harsinger .

48. Bombax = Bombax .

49. Dame de la nuit = Lady of the night .

50 . Marguerite = Daisy .

French vocabulary for beginners

Learn basic french words for fruit

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